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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Stay Up To Date with EIT Planning

The St. Louis Area SPOE's goal to implement Early Intervention Teams in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area is in direct agreement with DESE's plan to move forward with this method of early intervention support for children and families throughout the state.
(Click here to see DESE's document entitled "Path to Early Intervention Teams"

Part of our responsibility is to not only inform the community during this transition but to also gather information about the unique needs of our region which we plan to do through a series of Work Group meetings with specific stakeholders. Our plan is to present, along with DESE, the philosophy behind the EIT model (EIT 101) and to discuss elements of our own plan to move forward with this model in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area. We plan to hold a series of meetings throughout the area starting in January 2010. We will invite key individuals to participate on the Work Groups which will include parents, providers, school district personnel, parent educators, and members of the medical community.

Further inf0rmation regarding invitations to these Work Group meetings will be made available once dates and locations have been set.

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