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Monday, November 2, 2009

SPOE Management Update Regarding Long Time Director, Julia Hillyer

"I am resigning from my position as SPOE Director for Region 2. Elaine Armstrong and I have agreed that my last day at the SPOE will be Friday November 20th. I have accepted the position as the Tri County Regional Director with the Department of Mental Health.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my 15 years working in First Steps and my time with all of you. I appreciate the hard work you do on a daily basis for children and their families. I am confident that SPOE 1 and SPOE 2 will continue to be leaders in Early Intervention and represent Missouri First Steps and AWS in the highest regard. Thank you."

Julia A. Hillyer, M. A.
Director-Region 2
First Steps-St. Louis

1 comment:

  1. Good luck Julie in your new position. You have done an outstanding job and will be missed. Please stay in touch. Leslie


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