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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Stay Up To Date with EIT Planning

The St. Louis Area SPOE's goal to implement Early Intervention Teams in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area is in direct agreement with DESE's plan to move forward with this method of early intervention support for children and families throughout the state.
(Click here to see DESE's document entitled "Path to Early Intervention Teams"

Part of our responsibility is to not only inform the community during this transition but to also gather information about the unique needs of our region which we plan to do through a series of Work Group meetings with specific stakeholders. Our plan is to present, along with DESE, the philosophy behind the EIT model (EIT 101) and to discuss elements of our own plan to move forward with this model in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area. We plan to hold a series of meetings throughout the area starting in January 2010. We will invite key individuals to participate on the Work Groups which will include parents, providers, school district personnel, parent educators, and members of the medical community.

Further inf0rmation regarding invitations to these Work Group meetings will be made available once dates and locations have been set.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Changes to EIC (RICC) for SPOE Regions 1 & 2

Now that our 2 SPOE Regions have been combined to operate cooperatively out of one SPOE office, so too shall our RICC be combined and begin to meet together as one group. Beginning in December, there will be one RICC mtg held between Regions 1 and 2. Our next meeting will be Thursday, December 17, from 1:15 – 3:15 at Moog Center for Deaf Education, 12300 South Forty Drive St. Louis, MO 63141, (314) 692-7172.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

New Director Appointed

As you are aware, we have a management change with the resignation of Juli Hillyer, Director for Region 2. Over the years, Juli has made significant contributions to First Steps families and stakeholders. She will be missed. Please help me in wishing Juli the very best in her new venture. Her last day will be Friday November 20, 2009.
On behalf of AWS, I am pleased to announce the promotion of Lead Service Coordinator, Ashlie Klopper to Director of Region 2, effective November 23, 2009. Ashlie comes to this position with knowledge, strength and leadership. We believe that this transition will be smooth and seamless.
Thank You
Elaine Armstrong, VP

Monday, November 2, 2009

SPOE Management Update Regarding Long Time Director, Julia Hillyer

"I am resigning from my position as SPOE Director for Region 2. Elaine Armstrong and I have agreed that my last day at the SPOE will be Friday November 20th. I have accepted the position as the Tri County Regional Director with the Department of Mental Health.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my 15 years working in First Steps and my time with all of you. I appreciate the hard work you do on a daily basis for children and their families. I am confident that SPOE 1 and SPOE 2 will continue to be leaders in Early Intervention and represent Missouri First Steps and AWS in the highest regard. Thank you."

Julia A. Hillyer, M. A.
Director-Region 2
First Steps-St. Louis