Good afternoon,
We would like to share some information and reminders
regarding AT to make sure we are all on the same page in regard to this
- Regarding the IFSP Team decision to pursue Assistive
Technology, Chapter 8 of the practice manual addresses the process that
IFSP Teams must follow and an example of questions to ask/answer when
considering possible AT:
. The questions and processes provided in the guidance must be followed
when considering adding AT as a service and the justification must, at
least, be included in the strategies section of the corresponding IFSP
Outcome(s). The requesting provider(s) must provide the justification
for the service coordinator to document in the IFSP.
- In addition to questions to consider, there is also a
list (per DESE) of approved and not approved items for AT in First steps.
Please take a moment to review this list as it will be helpful when you
are approaching this topic as an IFSP team. There can often be a fine line
between what is considered AT and what is not, but, in addition to the
list, the general rule of thumb is if it is not something related to an
outcome and specifically designed/adapted for children with special needs
then we cannot consider it as AT in First Steps.
- We have made some changes to our regional process for
ordering/pick-up/delivery. In order to be more efficient and compliant, we
may ask to have certain AT items (e.g. chewy tubes, vests, oral motor
devices, adapted cups, etc) sent directly to the provider homes, in lieu
of the First Steps office when at all possible. At times, we may also ask
providers to pick up larger items (e.g. standers, gait trainers, mobility
devices, etc) from the AT warehouse/AT provider if it cannot be delivered
to the home, instead of coming to the First Steps office.
- When you are picking up AT from the office, only take
items that have been set aside for you or you have made arrangements to
pick up. Please do not take anything from the office without clearing
it with staff. There is a sign in sheet at the front desk as well as a
sign-out sheet near the admin office where the AT is kept. We have had a
few AT items that have been taken accidentally and have needed to be found
or reordered.
- On occasion, we may have used AT items in our inventory
at the office that can be borrowed/loaned to a family on a short or long
term basis. We are working on a system for tracking/checking out these
items but for now, the same sign in/out process is required as described
- Items in the Resource Room area are not considered AT
and should be checked out using the online sign-out link (
). AT items have been authorized and ordered via the IFSP process whereas
Resource Room items have been purchased or provided via donation or
- As always, options and ideas for low-tech items or
modifications can be discussed and shared during IFSP or EIT meetings.
Howard Smith-
Director Region 1 &
Christina Narasimhan- Director Region 2
St. Louis Area First
680 Craig Rd., Suite
St. Louis MO 63141
(314) 453-9203 ph
(314) 453-0802 fax
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