During the current Stay Home Orders throughout the St. Louis Area and the entire state, we wanted to make sure that everyone is aware that we are still open for new referrals and that we have taken steps to maintain safety for families, staff, and providers.
Our main office is still open Monday-Friday from 8am-4pm with very minimal staffing right now to insure social distancing. We are only accepting visitors (picking up AT, DAYC Packets, filing, visiting Resource Room, etc) between the hours of 10a-12p and we ask that you try to call ahead so we can know who to expect in the office. If you are ill or have any symptoms, please do not come to the office - stay home.
The office door remains locked at this time so please knock to let us know when you have arrived. Upon entry, we require everyone to go directly to the kitchen to wash their hands, and then sign in at the front desk. We ask that you keep your visit to no more than 15-20 minutes.
Referrals can be made by calling our main line at (314) 453-9203, by fax at (314) 453-0802, or online at www.mofirststeps.com .
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