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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Assistive Technology Procedures

Dear Family Service Coordinators & Providers,

Assistive Technology (AT) is a service that some children and their families may benefit from while enrolled with Missouri First Steps. As with all First Steps services, we must insure that the AT is something that is appropriate and functional for the child and family in terms of their outcomes as well as their routines. DESE has provided guidance that is available on their website that includes questions and steps that IFSP Teams should remember when considering pursuing AT through First Steps.

These questions should be addressed at some point prior to the decision is made to pursue any particular AT item(s).


An IFSP team member may suggest a discussion about assistive technology. At that
time, the IFSP team should consider the following:

          Child’s age
         Questions to consider:
  • Is the child near transition age?
  • Will the child have the opportunity to use the item and make progress with it while in First Steps?

Child’s current skills and abilities
Questions to consider:

  • Is the child making progress currently, without a device?
  • Why is child unable to participate in the family’s routines and activities?
  • Can this device be easily integrated into the routines?
  • Will the child have time to make progress while in First Steps?

What are the family’s concerns and priorities?
Questions to consider:

    • What are the current IFSP outcomes?
    • Has the IFSP team tried other strategies or activities to assist the child’s progress?
    • What strategies worked to assist the child’s development?
    • What strategies did not work in assisting the child’s development?
         Other questions the IFSP team considers:
  • How specialized must the device be to meet the need? Low-tech or high-tech?
  • How long may it take to obtain the assistive technology device?
  • Is the item available in the natural environment?
  • Can the item be made?
  • Can the item be borrowed or obtained through a loan program?
Also, Early Intervention Teams can be very instrumental in discussing low-tech AT options or brainstorming ideas. Whereas the decision to provide the service cannot be made by the EIT, consultation about AT can and should happen.

DESE guidance regarding AT can be found at the following link:

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