This message was sent out from DESE via webreply to all service providers and SPOE Directors:
Subject: Reminder - Change in check run - effective December 31, 2010
Message Source: Pam Thomas, Coordinator of First Steps Program
Intended Audience: Service Providers and System Point of Entry (SPOE) directors
Date: December 27, 2010
Reminder - The Central Finance Office (CFO) and the Office of Special Education-First Steps Program have made a change to the dates for claim submissions and check runs for the calendar year of 2011, effective December 31, 2010.
As you'll notice, the new schedule has a longer lapse time than what is currently established between the claim submission date and the check-run date. This will allow us to ensure monies are in place for payments to providers and that we are in compliance with Federal Cash Management Regulations. Please review the updated Reimbursement Schedule at the link below and plan accordingly.
Click Here To Access the New Schedule
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