2nd Autism Training Module Now Available!
We are pleased to announce the availability of the 2nd online autism training module entitled Autism Spectrum Disorders: Screening and Referral. This module is available through the MU Extension website: https://extweb.missouri.edu/courses. Everyone completing the online module will be able to print a certificate of completion. These modules are available in DVD format for training professionals who do not have access to high speed internet by completing the DVD order form on the MU Thompson Center website http://thompsoncenter.missouri.edu/training/index.php.
What is the Screening and Referral training module?
This module focuses on screening for autism spectrum disorders (ASD). It also describes the next steps if referral for further evaluation is needed. Health care providers, childcare providers, school personnel, family members, and others who interact with young children are encouraged to take this training module to learn more about this process.
The first training module, Understanding Autism, also continues to be available through the MU extension website.
What is the Understanding Autism training module?
This module is an overview of the characteristics of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and the criteria used to diagnose children with ASD. Family members, childcare providers, school personnel and others who interact with young children are encouraged to take this training module to learn more about the signs of ASD.
Who developed these training modules?
The autism training modules were developed by the Mid-Missouri Rapid Response Initiative, a project funded by the Missouri Department of Mental Health, Division of Developmental Disabilities. The online versions of the modules were created through a partnership with the MU Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders, University of Missouri Extension, and the Division of Developmental Disabilities Office of Autism Services.
If you have any difficulty logging into this module, contact Robin Wilcox at wilcoxr@missouri.edu or 573-884-7730.
Mary Clark, RN, MPH
Senior Health Program Specialist
Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders
300 Portland Street
Columbia, MO 65211
Phone: 573-882-5711
Fax: 573-884-0405
Email: clarkmj@health.missouri.edu
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