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Friday, July 9, 2010

Invitation from Provider Relations Committee

To Providers, Service Coordinators, and Community Affiliates,

We would like to cordially invite you to participate in the Provider Relations Committee, a subcommittee of the EIC. The Provider Relations Committee (PRC) is really just getting started, and we need help and input! Our overall goal is to enhance the relationship between current providers and Service Coordinators, and we need your help in determining the best way to do it.
The purpose of the PRC is multi-faceted:

To assist the SPOE in seeking ways to help improve their provider practices in the community to enhance effective education for providers through mentoring and monitoring.

To recommend ideas, methods, and plans to retain current service providers.

To communicates with the SPOE to address provider concerns, suggestions and deficits.

To assist the SPOE in identifying, locating and recruiting potential First Steps service providers (therapists, social workers, counselors, special instructors, etc.) needed for specific geographical areas within the service delivery area.

The next PRC meeting is scheduled for Friday, July 16, 2010 at 12:30pm at the SPOE office (1215 Fern Ridge Parkway, Ste. 101, 63141). The agenda for this meeting will focus on brainstorming ideas to address the above-listed goals. For example, the PRC has already discussed with Howard and Ashlie the possibility of using the blog as a vehicle for better communication with providers. We also discussed developing a PowerPoint presentation that can be used for training providers, especially new ones. Other ideas included developing a mentoring system, or at least a "new provider packet" of some sorts to help new providers acclimate to the system, and know where to turn for help.

Please contact Cassie Geithman at 314-973-7489 or OR Karen Wild at 1-866-495-5437 or

Hope to see you there!
Cassie Geithman and Karen Wild
Co-Chairs of the PRC

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