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Thursday, May 28, 2020

Service Coordinator and Provider Survey- Face to Face Visits

Two weeks ago, we sent out a survey to service coordinators and providers looking for their feedback regarding the possibility of returning to face to face home visits.
The questions were designed to find out how prepared we are for returning to in-person services and what support/resources are needed.

Click Here To View Survey Results

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Update on suspension of face-to-face meetings and services (in Missouri)

To: First Steps Providers

From: Beth Loethen, First Steps Part C Program Coordinator

Re: Update on suspension of face-to-face meetings and services

Date: May 20, 2020

Dear First Steps Provider,

The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) hopes you and your family are staying safe and healthy during this time. We appreciate your ability to be flexible during these unprecedented times. As the COVID-19 situation evolved, the Missouri First Steps Program took important steps to ensure the health and safety of families, Service Coordinators and providers. All face-to-face meetings and services were suspended effective March 18, 2020, and this suspension remains in effect until May 31, 2020. Although this was a difficult decision, it was necessary to ensure guidance was in place and safety measures could be carefully considered.

As the state begins to ease restrictions, the Missouri First Steps Program continues to monitor data from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services related to the spread of COVID-19, confer with stakeholder groups and hold regular meetings with First Steps regional staff to determine an appropriate plan to resume in-person meetings and services. It is the goal of First Steps to continue to provide early intervention support to children and families in natural environments with added consideration to the health and safety of all.

Beginning June 1, 2020, availability of in-person services resumes and will be determined by the comfort level of the family, the provider and the Service Coordinator. While our mission is to continue serving children and families, alternative options are available for those who are apprehensive regarding the return of in-person services and meetings. In the coming days, Service Coordinators and providers should plan to speak with families to discuss the appropriate time to restart in-person meetings and services and include at least the following considerations:

•What is your comfort level regarding beginning in-person services and meetings right now?
•Would the health of anyone in the home be compromised by having guests enter?
•Would anyone in the home compromise the health of a guest who enters?
•What precautions will need to be taken (i.e. wearing masks, distancing, sanitizing, etc.)?
•What questions do you have for families? For your Service Coordinator? For your agency, ifapplicable?

DESE has created a phase-in plan, which includes options available after May 31, and will be found on the DESE First Steps website at Providing this phase-in plan prior to May 31 should lend itself to a smoother transition, by allowing time to process what this might look like for you, the families you serve and for your agency, if applicable. Moving forward, regular contacts with families will be necessary and situations will need to be assessed frequently.

First Steps will continue to navigate the COVID-19 situation even after the suspension of in-person services is lifted. You are a vital component of making this program work and we appreciate each and every one of you. If you have any questions, please reach out to your SPOE Service Coordinators or to DESE at

St. Louis Area SPOE Office Is Moving!!

After 11 years in our current location on Fern Ridge Parkway, we will be moving to our new location on Craig Rd. off of Olive just east of Hwy 270. We have enjoyed our current location and look forward to our new office which should be ready by the end of June. We will keep you updated on the exact move date and details!