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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

EIC/RICC Meeting for Thursday, October 2 CANCELLED

EIC/RICC Meeting for Thursday, October 2 CANCELLED

Next meeting will be Thursday, November 6!

We are in the process of restructuring and transitioning back to a more traditional RICC for the St. Louis SPOE 1 and 2 regions. 

Future RICC meetings will be held from 12:00-1:30 pm

Location:  the Moog Center for Deaf Education
     12300 S Forty Drive 63141

Upcoming meeting dates: 
 Thursday November 6, 2014
 Thursday February 12, 2015
 Thursday May 7, 2015
 Thursday August 6, 2015 

Please join us on November 6th.

The agenda will include:
-Welcome and Introductions
-Explanation of the new meeting structure 
-Report from SPOE Directors to include data report and update on changes, happenings, etc locally and at the state level
-Committee Reports
-Opportunity for questions, comments and discussion

This will be an opportunity to learn about First Steps happenings, have questions answered and network with other community providers.

Information regarding SPOE 1 and 2 can be found at or on the blog at need the blog site here