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Friday, June 13, 2014

Help Support the St. Louis Area First Steps Resource Room by purchasing St. Louis Area First Steps T-Shirts/Onesies

You can help support the Resource Room which provides toys, activities, and other developmentally stimulating items to First Steps families in need by purchasing one of these lovely T-Shirts or onesies. The picture on the shirt was designed by a child from the St. Louis area. The shirts come in a variety of colors and the toddler size/onesies come in royal or raspberry.
T-Shirts (Adult, Youth, and toddler sizes ) are $12.00 ($13.80 for Adult 2X-3X)
Infant Onesies are $12.25 for Newborn through 24months.
Examples of the shirts (Not the exact colors):

Follow this link to order online:
Online Order Form

Please place your order by the end of the day June 27
(For Online Credit Card Payments)

To pay by check/mail please make check payable to St. Louis Area First Steps Trivia and send to:

St. Louis Area First Steps
Attention: Jodi or Amy
1215 Fern Ridge Parkway
Suite 101
St. Louis, MO 63141