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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Provider Progress Notes & Family Service Coordinator Case Notes

Reminder to all providers regarding the importance of  Provider Progress Notes and FSC Case Notes:

The timely and accurate entry of provider progress notes into WebSPOE is vital to the continuity of service delivery. Progress notes not only help to document that services are being delivered in accordance with the IFSP but also serve as a way to communicate strategies and activities amongst all team members!

Provider Progress notes are also used by Family Service Coordinators when preparing for IFSP reviews and are very important in the conversation of reviewing outcomes.

Did you also know that Early Childhood Special Education diagnostic teams review provider progress notes in addition to the IFSP and/or evaluation and assessment reports when determining if a child is eligible for Part B? Provider progress notes also become part of the child's EI record and can be helpful in determining a child eligible for other resources and services such as Regional Office and Social Security.

Family Service Coordinator case notes are another very important part of the EI record that should include:
  • Documentation of compliance related steps following referral and through eligibility determination (including attempts to contact the family, scheduling intake, providing Parental Rights, notification of eligibility, scheduling IFSP meetings)
  • Documentation of conversations with all IFSP team members
  • Documentation of the occurrence IFSP meetings and the decisions made at them
  • Documentation of periodic contacts with the family
  • Documentation of compliance related steps toward transition
  • Documentation of progress and services provided
Documentation within First Steps is very important and is one of the best ways to insure that services are being provided and that we are remaining compliant!