The early care and education bi-state Core Competencies were published in January 2001 after an extensive development process in both states. Broad-based dissemination of the document has been achieved and the Core Competencies document serves as a foundation piece for system-level planning in both states. As advancements in the field are made, we must ensure that the competencies adequately represent all of the important knowledge and skills necessary to provide high quality early learning. To that end, the OPEN Initiative (MO) and Child Care Aware (KS) (formerly KACCRRA) have partnered to revise the Core Competencies and prepare a Second Edition.
Request for Your Participation in the Revision Process
To date, we have completed the first three of five stages of the revision process and are requesting additional feedback from early childhood and other professionals in both states on the revised document.
We invite you to participate by providing feedback through the following survey link.
The survey will be available through August 31, 2010. Please forward the survey link to your colleagues and associates to ensure that your program and/or community are adequately represented in the Core Competency for Early Childhood Professionals revision process.
Revision Process
- General Feedback Period (February – May 2010)
- Web-Based Survey
- Paper Comments
- 3 General Meetings
2. Specialized Content Meetings(February – May 2010)
- Supporting and Strengthening Families
- Physical Health, Oral Health, and Nutrition
- Mental Health
- Inclusion/Special Needs
- Technology/Professional Development
3. Bi-State Committee Review (June 2010)
- Review suggested revisions, deletions, and additions
- Finalize draft for review by stakeholders in KS and MO
4. General Feedback Period (August 2010)
- Web-based survey
- Written comments
5. Bi-State Committee Finalizes Content (Fall 2010)
- Review feedback from stakeholders
- Finalize document
Michelle Mathews, Ph.D., Core Competency Consultant
M & T Educational Consulting, Inc.
3855 Hartford Street
St. Louis, MO 63116